Kimball, Tirey & St. John LLP is a full-service real estate law firm representing owners and managers of residential and commercial properties. This article is provided for general information purposes only. Although KTS provides its customers with information about changes to the law, our courtesy notices are not exhaustive and do not replace legislative services or membership in trade associations. Our legal advice is provided on selected topics and should not be used as a comprehensive report of any new changes to local, state, and federal laws that affect property owners and managers. Laws may have changed since the publication of this article. Before acting, be sure to seek legal advice from our office. For contact information, please visit our website: For previous legal notices, questions and answers and legal articles, please see the resources section of our website. Complete the lease change that provides for the name change or complete the new lease if necessary. When you fill out a new lease, you must also sign an agreement with the other parties that provides for the mutually agreed termination of the old lease. Ask all parties to sign the new documentation to enforce it legally.

If the other tenants want to stay, they must contact the landlord and make an agreement about it. A landlord`s ability to change the terms of a tenancy depends on the tenant`s level of cooperation, the type of tenancy, the terms of the tenant`s lease or lease, and the nature of the change. Once the information requested above has been submitted and verified as true, the landlord and tenant (the parties to the original signature of the relevant lease) must sign this amendment. This action is carried out under the statement „The parties acknowledge and agree to the inclusion…“ The „landlord`s signature“ line accepts the formal signature of the landlord who signed the original lease or that of the signing agent of the property management company concerned. After signing their name, the owner (or the signing representative of the property management company) is prompted to print their name in the „Print Name“ line, and then save the current „date“ if they have signed the line above. There will be two „Tenant Signature“ sections. Indeed, any tenant who signed the initial lease must also sign this change. If only one tenant signed the original agreement, you can leave the second tenant unattended. Each tenant must begin its execution by signing one of the „Tenant Signature“ lines. For the following example, only one signature is displayed, but both provided the required signature elements.

As soon as the signatory tenant(s) has signed his name, two other elements will be requested. First, the signatory tenant must print their name directly under the signature provided, and then enter the signature „Date“ in the designated area. If there is a change of tenant during the tenancy, all other tenants and the landlord must agree. Whether you are the landlord or the tenant, the party who wants to change the lease must properly communicate their intentions to the other party. For example, if the tenant wants to have a pet on the property and the lease prohibits pets, it may be necessary to offer the owner a non-refundable pet fee or other compensation to reach an agreement. If you want to assign your place in the rental, the remaining tenants must all agree. You must also obtain the written consent of the owner. The landlord cannot unreasonably withhold it and cannot add unreasonable conditions to their consent. Both parties will have agreed to the changes we will be documenting. This change will make it possible to obtain information from both parties when signing the lease, as they will also have to sign this document. Each part has its own presentation area, which begins with the bold label „owner“. Use the blank line after this label to display the full name of the „owner“ behind the original agreement and this change.

The „Owner`s Mailing Address“ label is reserved for the building, street, suite number (or P.O. Box), as well as the city, state, and postal code where the owner or authorized property management company receives the mail. Ideally, this is the same address as in the original lease, but note the current mailing address of that entity on this line when the office moved. .