Permitted Tax Distributions Credit Agreement: Understanding the Basics

When it comes to understanding credit agreements, there are many terms and concepts to learn. One of the key concepts that is often discussed is the permitted tax distributions credit agreement. In simple terms, a permitted tax distributions credit agreement is an agreement between a lender and borrower that outlines how tax distributions are handled in the context of a credit agreement.

To understand this better, let`s take a closer look at what a permitted tax distributions credit agreement entails:

What are Tax Distributions?

Before we dive into the specifics of a permitted tax distributions credit agreement, it`s important to understand what tax distributions are. Essentially, tax distributions are payments made by a company to its equity holders to cover the taxes they owe on the income they receive. When a company makes a profit, it is required to pay taxes on that income. The equity holders are then responsible for paying taxes on their portion of the income. To help offset this tax burden, the company may make tax distributions to its equity holders.

What is a Permitted Tax Distributions Credit Agreement?

A permitted tax distributions credit agreement is an agreement between a lender and borrower that outlines how tax distributions are handled in the context of a credit agreement. Essentially, this agreement sets limits on how much of the tax distributions can be paid out to equity holders and how often they can be paid out.

Why is a Permitted Tax Distributions Credit Agreement Important?

A permitted tax distributions credit agreement is important for several reasons. For lenders, this agreement helps ensure that there is enough cash flow to cover the debt payments. By limiting the amount of tax distributions that can be paid out, the lender can be assured that the borrower has enough cash to meet their obligations. For borrowers, this agreement helps ensure that they are not required to pay out more in tax distributions than they can afford.

What are the Key Provisions of a Permitted Tax Distributions Credit Agreement?

There are several key provisions that are typically included in a permitted tax distributions credit agreement. These provisions may include:

– Limits on the amount of tax distributions that can be paid out

– Requirements for the borrower to have a certain level of liquidity before making tax distributions

– Restrictions on the frequency of tax distributions (e.g. no more than once per quarter)

– Requirements for the borrower to provide the lender with regular financial reporting to ensure compliance with the agreement


In conclusion, a permitted tax distributions credit agreement is an important component of credit agreements. By setting limits on how much tax distributions can be paid out and how often they can be paid out, this agreement helps ensure that there is enough cash flow to cover debt payments. For both lenders and borrowers, a permitted tax distributions credit agreement is a crucial tool for managing risk and ensuring financial stability.