(d) take any action that violates the standards and requirements set forth in this subtitle or in Licensee`s Ethics and Data Integrity Policy; and 22 Data Integrity Training Acknowledgement & Ethical Conduct Agreement – A data integrity survey is conducted when data issues that could negatively impact data integrity are identified. – Routine data integrity monitoring is performed on data samples, which may include an evaluation of the data I have produced, I am aware that data fraud is a punishable crime that may include fines and/or prison sentences on conviction. I also agree with the following: – I will not intentionally report data values that are not the values actually observed or measured. – I will not intentionally change the values of the data unless the change can be technically justified by a measurable analysis process. (1) Establish and maintain a written policy of ethics and data integrity to be followed by all employees of forensic laboratories and which contains the points set out in § B of this Ordinance; 21 Data Integrity Training Recognition and Ethical Conduct Agreement I understand the high ethical standards that I hold myself with respect to the duties I perform and the data I report in the course of my employment with Accutest Laboratories. I have received formal instructions on the Adapted Code of Ethics from accutest Laboratories and agree to meet these requirements. 5 Accutest`s Code of Ethics Perform chemical and microbiological analyses using accepted scientific practices and principles. Perform tasks honestly, principled, and incorruptible, and inspire your peers and subordinates. Maintain professional integrity as an individual. Provide services in a confidential, honest and direct manner. Get accurate and defensible results. Report data regardless of self-interest. Comply with all relevant laws and regulations associated with the assigned tasks and responsibilities.

(2) provide access to information, training, and resources required by all forensic laboratory personnel to comply with applicable federal and state laws, including ethics laws and regulations, and the Ethics and Data Integrity Policy required by Section A(1) of this Ordinance; (i) Ethics and Data Integrity Policy for Forensic Laboratories; or 4 Accutest Data Integrity Policy A comprehensive and systematic approach to ensure that the data produced by the laboratory accurately reflects the results of tests performed on field samples and has been created by ethical professionals in a bias-free environment. 4 B. A licensee must ensure that a licensee`s ethics and data integrity policy covers at least the following topics, requirements and procedures: (3) Provide formal ethics and data integrity training: 23 Data integrity training and ethical conduct agreement – I will not intentionally report data and data analysis moments that do not correspond to the actual and actual point in which data analysis is analyzed. has been completed. – I will not tolerate accidental or intentional reporting of inauthentic data by other employees and will immediately report the event to my superiors. – I will immediately report any accidental reporting of inauthentic data by myself to my superiors. FERRELLGAS CODE OF ETHICS FOR KEY FINANCIAL OFFICERS AND EXECUTIVES I. PURPOSE OF THE CODE The Ferrellgas Code of Ethics (this Code) is intended to serve as the Code of Ethics described in section (b). or (1) report the employee`s responsibility to report the activities or conduct of other employees, contractors or suppliers that the employee has reason to believe violates applicable laws, rules and regulations or the Forensic Laboratory Ethics and Data Integrity Policy; WHS UNIT WORKPLACE HEALTH AND SAFETY AUDITING GUIDELINES Content 1 Objective.

1 2 Scope. 1 3 Definitions. 1 4 Responsibilities. 1 4.1 WHS unit. 1 4.2 Auditors. 1 4.3 Heads of faculty (a) shall prepare or prepare a report that the employee knows to be false or misleading; 16 What can you do about it? An ounce of prevention DOCUMENT, DOCUMENT, DOCUMENT, IF you think it`s wrong, CHECK IT!! What does the SOP say? What does the method say? Talk to your manager or supervisor Be conservative, if you think you screwed up, start again, follow the SOP as it is written!! Business Ethics Policy The WCH Ltd Code of Ethics WCH`s corporate philosophy has been developed around a set of core values that are fundamental to the development and success of the organisation. (b) have a financial or personal interest that conflicts with the conscientious and ethical performance of duties and responsibilities; 1 ACCUTEST LABORATORIES Data Integrity & Technical Ethics January 2012 Advisory Services Anti-Fraud Program and * Fraud Risks & Controls February 2008 *connectedthinking 2008 PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP. All rights reserved.

PricewaterhouseCoopers refers to PricewaterhouseCoopers COMPLIANCE BY DESIGN FOR PHARMACEUTICAL QUALITY CONTROL LABORATORIES INSIGHT FROM FDA Warning Letters Primer CONTENTS INTRODUCTION. 3 QUALITY AND COMPLIANCE IN QUALITY CONTROL LABORATORIES. 5 Compliance Three important questions about your employment screening practices Processing time Regulatory compliance Adequate protection for your business Question 1: Your background check Does your background check processing time of the PSC objective fraud policy and background commit to the highest standards of moral and ethical conduct. The goal of PsC`s fraud policy is to promote an environment that promotes awareness of the last 24 important fraudulent points and summarizes that it is really acceptable to make a mistake. They don`t lead to scams unless you try to hide them. Short-term gains are not worth long-term consequences. TRACEABILITY is the key word. Everything you do must be traceable from start to finish and can be recreated. Report inappropriate, unethical or illegal behaviour to management. OFFICE OF THE CHIEF INFORMATION OFFICER NETWORK AND ISA Audit, Logging and Monitoring Policy OCIO-6011-09 Date issued: 22. May 2009 Effective Date: May 22, 2009 Review Date: TABLE OF CONTENTS Section 10 Technical Ethics and Data Production It is important that every employee understands the Company`s commitment to data integrity and the ethical and quality standards required to work in this industry. Each employee must adhere to the Code of Ethics adopted by the NIST HANDBOOK 150 CHECKLIST Instructions to the Evaluator: This checklist meets the general accreditation criteria prescribed in NIST Manual 150, NVLAP Procedures and General Requirements (2006 edition).

(c) otherwise engage in conduct or conduct that violates: NC SBI QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM for SBI Audited by: Deputy Deputy Director Bill Weis Date: Approved by: Deputy Director Jerry Richardson Date: Original Unit: SBI Effective Date: 25. July, (i) Independent of internal and external influences; Analytical Resources Inc. . .