This section contains details about the parties for which this strategic alliance agreement was designed – partner company 1, partner company 2 and their strategic alliance details. Nothing in this document should be construed as implying any joint venture, partnership or principal agent relationship between Party B and Party A, and neither party has the right, authority or authority to bind or bind the other party in any way, unless otherwise agreed in writing. The parties should not consider profit sharing in connection with The services of Part B or the services of Part A to create a separate taxable entity in accordance with Section 761 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, or co-ownership of a business or property to create a separate corporation under the laws of any jurisdiction. Accordingly, for tax, ownership and liability reasons, Party B provides services to Part B and Part A to provide Part A`s services, each on a professional basis and as an independent contractor of the other. Revenues and expenses related to services and any additional services are reported separately by the parties for tax reasons. During the provision of the Services, Part B employees will not be considered part A employees and vice versa within the meaning or enforcement of federal, state or local laws or regulations, including but not limited to laws or regulations that cover unemployment insurance, pension benefits, compensation, industrial accidents, labour or taxes of any kind. Personnel of Party B who are required to provide the services of Party B or additional services to be provided by Party B under this Agreement shall be subject to the employment and final control, administration and supervision of Party B. Party A personnel who provide Part B services or additional services to be provided by Party A under this Agreement shall be subject to the employment and final control, administration and supervision of Part A. It is understood and agreed that part A employees will not be considered part B employees within the meaning of or the application of the benefit programs for part B employees for the purposes of vacation, vacation, pension, group life insurance, accidental death, medical benefits, hospitalization and surgical services, and vice versa.

Mention the necessary contractual conditions – severability, arbitration, etc., necessary for this strategic alliance agreement in order to avoid future conflicts between the parties involved. CONSIDERING that Part A and Part B intend to enter into a strategic alliance to market and provide certain complementary services to businesses; Upon conclusion of this Agreement, all prior agreements between the parties in written or oral form shall be deemed null and void. In the event of replacement of any term of this Agreement, all other terms shall remain in full force and effect and shall not be subject to change. The parties agreed to enter into a strategic alliance. Therefore, no employer-employee relationship is established or implied. This third amended and amended Strategic Alliance Agreement, including the attached facilities and schedules (collectively, the „Agreement“), will be effective on October 1, 2020 („Effective Date“) between Rockwell Automation, Inc., headquartered at 1201 South 2nd Street, Milwaukee, WI 53204 („RA“) and PTC Inc., headquartered at 121 Seaport Blvd, Boston, MA 02210 („PTC“). RA and PTC may be referred to individually as „Parties“ and collectively as „Parties“ in this Agreement. To the extent that any provision set forth in the body of this Agreement conflicts with a provision of an appendix or annex hereto, the provision set forth in the body of the Agreement shall prevail. There are times when two heads are better than one. If you`re working with another company on a project, a strategic alliance agreement is exactly what you need. It is a formal agreement between two or more companies that have agreed to share resources in a particular project in order to create a competitive advantage.

The agreement is often used to share products, distribution channels, manufacturing capacity, project financing, capital goods, knowledge, expertise or intellectual property. While the partners, unlike a joint venture, pursue the same goal, each company remains independent throughout the duration of the alliance. A strategic alliance agreement has several advantages. Your business may be able to grow and develop faster if you focus on the areas that best suit your skills. You can also access knowledge and resources that you didn`t have before the Alliance. This strategic alliance agreement is recognized and approved by both parties. Both parties acknowledge that during the term of this Agreement, they may become aware of information that is considered confidential or private. This section explains that the two parties have agreed to enter into a partnership agreement and strategic alliances.

You can also specify the following terms and conditions for the partnership – Mention the confidentiality clause, which states that both parties agree to keep strictly confidential all information, documents, etc. relating to this strategic alliance agreement. All information that must be provided to the other partner must take the form of written notice to avoid legal consequences. Sometimes collaboration is the best strategy, but be sure to create a strategic alliance agreement. If your company decides to share resources and knowledge and help each other in a project. Both parties will be given 3 months` notice prior to the date of termination of this Agreement to offer an extension or enter into a new Strategic Alliance Agreement if necessary. Worry less about email tracking to complete the agreement. Revv`s seamless collaboration feature helps you annotate, mark, and add notes to the document.

Each party agrees that in no event shall the other party or its suppliers or licensors be liable under any theory of liability that may arise; for all coverage costs or for indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages of any kind (including loss of use, business interruption, loss of business profits, loss of business information and the like) arising out of this Agreement, even if such party has been advised of the possibility of such damages. These limitations apply despite the failure of the essential purpose of any limited warranty or remedy At no time during this Agreement may either party act, delegate or assign any part of this Strategic Alliance Agreement to unauthorized third parties. Notice In the event that the notification is to be made by one of the parties, it may be delivered to the receiving party in person or by registered mail. Make sure the strategic alliance agreement is clearly worded and write shorter sentences. The Parties agree to provide the following services when entering into a Strategic Alliance Agreement – This Agreement shall enter into force on the above date and shall terminate later from (i) [insert number of days] from the date of this Agreement or (ii) with respect to projects identified in a contract for which Party B invoices the Customer directly, after the completion of the services of Part A and the receipt of payment by Part A of Part B for those services. .