As apprentices are the partners of the future, we believe that their development is essential to the organic growth of the company. BLM supports its apprentices and future employees through the LPC and CFP and works with external suppliers to provide you with the best possible training. Disputed construction work involves the settlement of disputes, while amicable work involves drafting and negotiating contracts and advice on projects. The training is highly rated, with reports of „excellent supervision focused on progressive development over the two years, as well as the right amount of mandrel in the bottom (with lifeguards on active duty) to gain significant learning experience.“ However, beginners noted that the quality of education „is affected to some extent by working from home.“ I now have a 2-year break until I start my training contract in September 2023. In addition to my full-time job as a paralegal, I opted for a Level 3 diploma in personal training. Weightlifting has been one of my passions for 3 years and I decided there was no better time to do it than now. I also hope to be able to spend some time traveling before starting my training contract. We recruit a small number of highly skilled apprentices each year to make sure we can provide the best possible education and training opportunities – you can be a big fish in a big pond. Once you have started, we will meet with a training manager who will be responsible for your day-to-day supervision. Your supervisor also supports you through coaching and mentoring. There is an active interest in promoting career development so that you can feel prepared for the transition from articling student to newly qualified lawyer.

During your vacation program, you`ll also have the opportunity to network with colleagues outside your team so you can build relationships and get to know our employees. We offer you a mix of practice group presentations, training and other development opportunities. However, this is not just work – we will also be hosting a number of social events. After studying law, I completed the LPC at Moorgate Law University without first concluding a training contract. I had already been invited to several law firm assessment centres, which made the prospect of self-financing the LPC less risky. I knew that with perseverance, I would get a training contract in the right company for me. After an initial review of these applications, candidates will participate in the second phase, which consists of an online critical thinking test by Watson Glaser. The test is designed to assess your ability to logically analyze, derive and interpret information – all skills used during your apprenticeship contract and future career. One thing to keep in mind for those with paralegal experience: BLM doesn`t encourage its apprentices to qualify to count early over time. „It`s not a general no, but we don`t promote it,“ says Matt Akin, an aspiring talent manager.

„We see our training contract as a valuable learning experience and we don`t want to devalue the two-year contract as a checkmark exercise. In cases where interns had time to count, this was based on the needs of the company. The hiring process for the vacation program and the training contract is the same. Those who opt for the holiday calendar do not need to make further assessments after the internship and instead receive an apprenticeship contract offer based on feedback from their two weeks in the company. I really enjoyed the process trainings we had. Having already studied civil trials at the PLC, I found it useful to refresh my memory of the Code of Civil Procedure (CPR). I have also gained a better understanding of what to do when acting on behalf of the defendant in an expedited procedure (this is the nature of most of the work done at BLM). Extracurricular activities are crucial for the conclusion of a training contract. If you are in university, I encourage you to participate in competitions or volunteer.

This gives you more to say in your applications and during job interviews. We all know how difficult it can be to gain legal work experience, and so extracurricular activities are a fantastic alternative to demonstrate your interest in certain areas of law. We recruit to keep. Many of our current partners have been trained at BLM and we are very proud of that. As the end of your training contract approaches, our trainer will discuss your qualification preferences with you. BLM aims to recruit a high proportion of our articling lawyers into vacation programs. Since you have already gone through the recruitment process, our graduate recruitment team will use feedback from you and your supervisors to make this decision. Last year, more than 90% of participants signed a training contract with BLM. Please check your junk/spam folder if you do not receive a confirmation email in your inbox during transmission. We also recommend that you check your homepage regularly, as all emails are saved there in your mailing list. For more information, see the Knowledge Base. Salary of an intern in the first year: £31,000 [London]; £22,000 [elsewhere] We also recruit apprentices in our offices in Scotland and Ireland.

The number of interns and recruitment processes may vary from office to office depending on operational needs. If you`d like to apply for a location in these regions, please email An apprentice offers a scathing exam of the company`s technology: „IT is a bit of a success or a failure – if it works, it`s great, if it doesn`t work, it can really impact your day.“ But the situation has improved. „I think the lockdown has allowed the company to make technical decisions faster, and that`s really helped us,“ says one recruit. Despite these changes, which have improved the situation somewhat, there is still a consensus that legal technology is still „fairly simple,“ with some complaining about the company`s lack of support to help juniors set up their home office during the pandemic. As cliché as it may sound, I believe that all our experiences shape us into who we are. Although I have made mistakes, I have always learned from them, and I don`t think I would be the same person I am today without them. I think the key factor in my success in the holiday program has been my ability to take initiative and actively strive to make the most of it. For example, on the first day, I took a look at my schedule and found that there were no activities or conversations around my main area of interest, professional responsibility. Our two-year articling lawyer program is designed to maximize your potential.

You`ll complete four six-month internships, so you`ll get in touch with a variety of teams across the company. You will also gain the experience and skills required of a qualified insurance lawyer. It may seem impossible to determine which law firms to contact if you don`t fully understand the type of firm you want to work for. Here are some questions you should ask yourself: King`s House, 42 King Street West, Manchester, M3 2NU Website Insurance and reinsurance are an integral part of conducting business around the world. For the presentation, candidates receive the title a week in advance – expect it to be related to the company itself. Please apply via our website. This has led to several rounds of layoffs as the company focuses on high-end work as part of its ambition to be one of the world`s leading specialists in insurance and risk law. .