To be valid, a rental agreement must be concluded in writing and signed by both parties. Buyers and sellers should clearly describe the following information in a contract: There is an imbalance in the use of standard agreements in car rental contracts in Banda Aceh City finance companies to ensure the protection of the rights of sellers rather than buyers, so a higher risk of loss must be borne by buyers. The purpose of this article is whether the default clause of the car rental agreement with the finance company violates the provisions of consumer protection laws and regulations. The type of research method used in this article is a type of normative legal research method. The legal research approach used in this article consists of a legal, regulatory, case and conceptual approach. The results showed that the model agreement on the FINANCE COMPANY of PT ADMF violates the provisions of the Civil Code, in particular Article 1266, Article 1267, Article 1337, Article 1338, paragraph (1), paragraphs (2) and paragraphs (3), Article 1339 of the Civil Code, as well as the provisions of the UUPK, in particular Article 4, Article 7, article 18 paragraph (1) and paragraph (2) of the UUPK. Therefore, the use of model contracts in car rental contracts with finance companies needs to be reviewed and adapted so as not to conflict with the legal provisions. According to Article 1 letter of a decree of the Minister of Commerce and Cooperatives Number 34 /KP/II/80 on the purchase, purchase and sale of installment leases, the elements or elements of the contract of sale are: „Payment of obligations of a fixed amount within a certain period without taking into account the nature, the amount of use, purchase, etc.; Sin. fixed prices. The purchase of a lease or also called instalment payment is an agreement for the purchase and sale of goods in which the seller makes a sale of goods taking into account any payment made by the buyer with reimbursement of the price of the goods, previously agreed by both parties and bound by an agreement. Ownership of the goods will pass from the seller to the buyer after all payments have been refunded by the buyer to the seller.

The existence of an imbalance in the use of the standard contract in the motor vehicle hire-purchase agreement in a finance company in Banda Aceh provides protection to the seller rather than the buyer, so that a higher risk of loss is borne by the buyer. The main issue in this article is whether the standard clause of the contract for the hire and purchase of motor vehicles in the financial company violates the provisions of consumer protection legislation. The research method used in this article was the normative legal research method. The legal research approaches used in this article include the legal approach, the case approach, and the conceptual approach. The results showed that the standard agreements used by PT ADMF were contrary to the provisions of the Civil Code, in particular Article 1266, Article 1267, Article 1337, Article 1338(1)(2) and (3), Article 1339 of the Civil Code, and the provisions of the UUPK, in particular Articles 4, 7 and 18, paragraph 1, and 2 UUPK. Therefore, the model agreements of the finance company`s motor vehicle hire-purchase agreement should be reviewed and adapted so as not to infringe the legal provisions. Undang Undang No. 8 Tahun 1999 tentang Perlindungan consumers.

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