Reciprocal Health Care Agreement with Malta: Understanding the Benefits and Eligibility

Malta has become a popular destination for tourism, business, and retirement, and many people are considering a move to this Mediterranean island country. But, one of the factors to consider when making a move to a foreign country is access to healthcare. Fortunately, Malta has a reciprocal health care agreement with several countries, including Australia, Canada, and the United Kingdom. In this article, we will discuss the benefits of the reciprocal health care agreement with Malta and eligibility requirements for foreign nationals.

What is Reciprocal Health Care Agreement (RHCA)?

A reciprocal health care agreement is an agreement made between two or more countries. This agreement allows eligible foreign nationals to access necessary healthcare services in the host country without paying for it. Simply put, if you are a citizen or permanent resident of an eligible country, you can access health services in Malta, and Maltese citizens can access healthcare services in your country. This agreement aims to provide affordable and accessible healthcare services to everyone who is eligible for it.

What Benefits Do You Get From RHCA with Malta?

The RHCA with Malta offers several benefits to eligible foreign nationals. With this agreement, you can access public hospital services, outpatient care, and general practitioner services. Additionally, you`ll have access to prescription medicines and subsidized medical treatments that are essential to the preservation of your health. You`ll also be eligible for emergency medical treatment during your temporary stay in Malta.

Who Is Eligible for RHCA with Malta?

To be eligible for the RHCA with Malta, you must be a citizen or permanent resident of one of the countries in the agreement. The eligible countries include Australia, Canada, the Czech Republic, Italy, the United Kingdom, New Zealand, and the Republic of Ireland. If you are eligible, you will need to apply for a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) or a Malta-EHIC if you are a citizen of the European Union (EU). If you are not eligible for an EHIC or Malta-EHIC, you may still be eligible for healthcare services in Malta, but you`ll have to pay for it.

Final Thoughts

Moving to a foreign country can be daunting, especially when it comes to accessing healthcare services. Fortunately, the RHCA with Malta provides foreign nationals with peace of mind knowing that they can access necessary healthcare services without paying for them. If you`re planning to move to Malta or are already living there, it`s essential to understand the eligibility requirements for the RHCA with Malta and take the necessary steps to ensure that you have access to the healthcare services that you need.