Notwithstanding oral communications between you and us, we reserve the right to liquidate at any time (including no later than the settlement date) if the equity in your account is below Schwab`s minimum requirements. Upon request, you will continue to be responsible for the remaining debit balance in your account retrospectively. You agree that we may, in our sole discretion and without notice, „purchase“ securities to hedge a position of short securities in your account. We can take this action on a regular billing basis, in cash or the next day. Schwab charges a short-term redemption fee for certain mutual fund transactions and reserves the right to prevent persons trading in short-term mutual funds from purchasing some or all of the funds available through Schwab. Our short-term take-back policy, including applicable fees and other restrictions, is available on and upon request. Schwab may also charge transaction fees for certain mutual fund transactions; You would not pay these fees if you bought shares directly from a fund company. Your purchase and sale of Mutual Fund Units may be subject to additional fees charged by the Fund, such as.B. selling fees and conditional redemption fees, which are segregated and in addition to the transaction and other fees charged to you by Schwab. You agree to pay all fees charged to you by Schwab and/or any Funds and are solely responsible for their payment.

For our protection, we may, in our sole discretion and without notice, immediately hedge your short securities positions by purchasing securities on your behalf to replace those sold short. Automatic reinvestment of your eligible cash distributions can provide you with partial share shares of securities, which we calculate to four decimal places. You are entitled to dividend payments in proportion to your partial shareholding. When an account is transferred, when a share is reorganized or when share certificates are ordered from an account, partial positions of shares that cannot be transferred or reorganized are liquidated at prevailing prices. Partial shares cannot be issued from an account in the form of certificates. We do not charge any commission for these transactions. The time is at our discretion. You are also entitled to documents on voting rights and voting rights proportional to your partial shares, with the exception of certain types of corporate restructuring. In the case of mandatory corporate reorganizations, your partial shares will be processed under the terms of the respective reorganization. In the event of a voluntary restructuring, the instructions you give us will only be applied to all your actions.

Note that some trust beneficiaries (p.B some disability and chronically ill trusts) may take over the distribution of all the amount remaining in your account over the remaining life expectancy of the trust beneficiary. 8.11 Changes – We have the right to change this Agreement at any time. Any changes we make to comply with the Code and related regulations do not require your consent. You will be deemed to have consented to any other changes unless you notify us in writing within 30 days of the date we send the change that you do not accept it. This statement does not describe the SIMPLE IRA plan adopted and maintained by an employer. Matters relating to eligibility for and contributions under an employer`s SIMPLE IRA plan are governed by the plan document adopted by the employer, at . B the basic document of the scheme and the agreement for the adoption of the Schwab SIMPLE IRA scheme. If you are an employee, questions about your employer`s plan should be directed to your employer. You agree to pay the Service Fees and other fees incurred based on your transactions, activities and requests, as set forth in your account`s pricing guide or as advised by Schwab.

These other fees may include, but are not limited to: If you owe Schwab or our subsidiary Charles Schwab Bank, SSB, as a result of a transfer between a Schwab account and Charles Schwab Bank, SSB, a debt for which an interim loan has been granted and no final settlement has been received, you agree that Schwab and charles Schwab Bank, SSB has the right to set off all or part of these debts with assets in an account of Schwab or Charles Schwab Bank, SSB, which are involved in such a transfer, without further notice. We reserve absolute discretion as to whether, when and in what amount we need additional guarantees. In certain situations, we may find it necessary to require a higher level of equity in your account. For example, we may require additional guarantees if an account contains: We may reject your request to open an account or refuse to offer you certain services available under the Account Agreement in our sole discretion for any reason. .