At the last minute, to avoid war, Chamberlain proposed to immediately convene a four-power conference to settle the dispute. Hitler agreed, and on September 29, Hitler, Chamberlain, Daladier, and Italian dictator Benito Mussolini met in Munich. The Munich meeting began shortly before 1 p.m.m. Hitler could not hide his anger that instead of entering the head of his army on the day he himself had set as liberator at the head of his army, he had to adhere to the mediation of the three powers, and none of his interlocutors dared to insist that the two Czech diplomats waiting in a Hotel in Munich, should be admitted to the conference room or consulted on the agenda. Nevertheless, Mussolini introduced a written plan that was accepted by all as the Munich Agreement. (Many years later, it was discovered that the so-called Italian plan had been prepared at the Foreign Ministry.) This was almost identical to Godesberg`s proposal: the German army was to complete the occupation of the Sudetenland by October 10, and an international commission would decide on the future of other disputed territories. Czechoslovakia was informed by Britain and France that it could either resist Germany alone or submit to the prescribed annexations. The Czechoslovak government decided to submit. Under Nebraska law, committing motor vehicle offenses adds points to your driving record. If you accumulate too many points, you will lose your driving rights.

This program can only be used every five (5) years and the course must be completed before the date of the violation, which expires on the 12th anniversary of the violation. Point on the driving record would evaluate. NOTE: Individuals under the age of 18 who have had a POP for at least 12 months and have earned three or more points on their driver`s license in the last 12 months can complete the points credit course. However, this does not change the points that have already been assessed for the conviction(s) and the person cannot obtain the Class O licence. They would be eligible for a Class O licence once they reach the age of 18 OR if the record reflects less than three points scored in the last 12 months. In mid-September Chamberlain offered to go to Hitler`s retreat to Berchtesgaden to discuss the situation personally with the Führer. Hitler agreed not to take military action without further discussion, and Chamberlain agreed to try to convince his cabinet and the Frenchman to accept the results of a referendum in the Sudetenland. Daladier and his foreign minister, Georges-Étienne Bonnet, then traveled to London, where a joint proposal was being prepared that all regions with more than 50 percent Sudeten Germans should be handed over to Germany. The Czechoslovaks were not consulted.

The Czechoslovak government initially rejected the proposal, but had to accept it on 21 September. When they looked behind them, there was the mighty ocean they had crossed. to separate them from all the civil parties of the world. It`s 2120 and the American Mayflower II spacecraft landed on Mars, exactly 400 years after the first Mayflower reached the New World. On board the Mayflower II are a team of scientists and a larger group of professionals. The mission of this trip is to build a research base on Mars for scientific observations and experiments. Unfortunately, due to a malfunction, the Mayflower II landed in an area outside the designated area for the United States. Exploration by a United Nations treaty. This territory is not under the jurisdiction of an earthly nation. Although the accident neutralized the Mayflower II and its radio, all personnel, supply and survival systems survived intact. Scientists and workers will be able to live in the Mayflower II and build structures outside the spacecraft.

They expect a rescue ship to be sent, but not for many months. Shortly after the mayflower II crashed, a conflict broke out between scientists and workers. The workers claimed that the whole purpose of the project had shifted from scientific research to survival. Since workers know how to build a survival base, they can take care of themselves. The workers also pointed out that because they are in an area of Mars outside the jurisdiction of the United States, they are not obligated to obey the orders of scientists (or any law). The scientists rejected these views, arguing that they had been tasked with the project on Earth and should therefore remain in control until the rescue ship arrives. They also reminded the workers that their higher education as scientists gave them the logical power to lead the group in this alien environment. After arguing over these issues for some time, scientists and workers finally agreed to make a written pact that would form the basis of a government until the aid ship appeared. Procedure 1. Imagine that your class is the group of men and women stranded on Mars. On 28 and 29 April 1938, Daladier meets British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain in London to discuss the situation.

Chamberlain, who saw no way Hitler could be prevented from completely destroying Czechoslovakia if that was his intention (which Chamberlain doubted), argued that Prague should be pushed to make territorial concessions to Germany. The French and British leaders believed that peace could only be saved by transferring the Sudetenland German territories from Czechoslovakia. After successfully accepting Austria into Germany proper in March 1938, Adolf Hitler looked nostalgically at Czechoslovakia, where about three million people in the Sudetenland were of German descent. In April, he discussed with Wilhelm Keitel, the head of the Bundeswehr`s high command, the political and military aspects of „Case Green,“ the code name for the planned Sudeten takeover. A surprise attack on „clear skies without reason or justification“ was rejected because the result would have been „hostile world opinion that could lead to a critical situation.“ Decisive action would therefore take place only after a period of German political turmoil in Czechoslovakia, accompanied by diplomatic quarrels which, as they became more serious, would either constitute an excuse for the war itself or give rise to a lightning offensive after an „incident“ of German creation. In addition, disruptive political activities in Czechoslovakia had been underway since October 1933, when Konrad Henlein founded the Sudeten German Home Front. At one point, it looked like a range of chords…. in particular on the issue of productivity-related wages. On September 22, Chamberlain flew back to Germany and met Hitler at Bad Godesberg, where he was dismayed to learn that Hitler had tightened his demands: he now wanted the Sudetenland to be occupied by the German army and the Czechoslovaks to be evacuated from the area on September 28. Chamberlain agreed to present the new proposal to the Czechoslovaks, who rejected it, as did the British cabinet and the French.

On the 24th, the French ordered a partial mobilization; the Czechoslovaks had ordered a general mobilization the day before. Czechoslovakia, which at the time was one of the best-equipped armies in the world, was able to mobilize 47 divisions, 37 of which were destined for the German border, and the mainly mountainous line of this border was heavily fortified. On the German side, the final version of „Case Green“, approved by Hitler on May 30, showed 39 divisions for operations against Czechoslovakia. The Czechoslovaks were ready to fight, but could not win alone. If they are convicted of a traffic violation in another state, the points are assessed using a driving record as if the offense had occurred in Nebraska. For more information, see Compact States. The pilgrims had arranged the trip. William Brewster and the other pilgrim guides had obtained the right to settle on land claimed by the Virginia Company near the mouth of the Hudson River. To raise funds for the trip, the pilgrims signed a contract with a group of London shareholders.

In return, the shareholders would share the profits of the planned colony. The pilgrims had gathered the „foreigners“ to increase the chances of success of their business. .