Jake Sullivan, President Biden`s top national security adviser, spoke with Afghan officials to confirm the review. In return, the Taliban pledged to prevent any group or individual from using Afghan soil to threaten the United States and its allies. The Taliban have also promised to cut ties with terrorist organizations, including al-Qaeda – the group that carried out the September 11, 2001 attacks while hosted by the Taliban. The withdrawal of U.S. troops – some 12,000 are still in Afghanistan – depends on the Taliban meeting important commitments that have been obstacles for years, including severing ties with international terrorist groups such as al-Qaeda. Afghan civil rights activists gather in a street during International Women`s Day in Kabul, Afghanistan, March 8, 2020. After nearly two decades of war and several stalled peace talks, the United States, the Afghan government and others are eager to see new efforts to broker peace in Afghanistan. However, peace is not guaranteed and many challenges remain – including the implementation of US agreements with the Taliban and the Afghan government and the opening of viable intra-Afghan talks, as well as the resolution of systemic internal challenges in Afghanistan. Andrew Prosecutor`s deal with Epstein published in 2009 by The War in Afghanistan somehow reflects the American experience in Vietnam. In both cases, a superpower relied heavily on the brute force and lives of its young people, and then walked away with seemingly little to show. The White House wants to ensure that the Afghan militant group „meets its obligations,“ including reducing violence and disrupting relations with terrorists, a spokeswoman said.

The start of negotiations was welcomed as a historic opportunity. But no one expected rapid progress. Negotiations on the U.S.-Taliban deal lasted 18 months – and the NEGOTIATIONS between the U.S. and the Taliban covered far fewer points and less controversial than the intra-Afghan negotiations, which have the daunting task of reconciling the views of the Taliban and the Afghan government on what a peaceful Afghanistan looks like. As a result, intra-Afghan negotiations would still be tense and lengthy at best. „This will maintain a certain level of pressure on the Taliban to live up to their fundamental commitment under the Doha agreement,“ he said. „A six-month extension will give us a way to solve the other problems, which is to find a political solution, a ceasefire, etc.,“ said Barnett Rubin, a former State Department official. Foreign forces will withdraw from Afghanistan, including U.S. troops and contractors and coalition forces.

The Afghan government has said in the past that its security forces have killed a number of al-Qaeda leaders and militants in Afghanistan. The government said the killings showed the Taliban were not keeping their promise to sever relations with the group. Lisa Curtis, a former senior National Security Council official who sat next to Afghan envoy Zalmay Khalilzad during negotiations with the Taliban, told AP: „The Doha agreement was a very weak agreement, and the United States should have received more concessions from the Taliban.“ The future of peace in Afghanistan will depend on how major regional powers, including Russia, China, India, Pakistan and the European Union, act in ways that could undermine – or advance – the peace process. Tensions between the major powers – the United States, China, the European Union, India and Russia – and others are rising, which could affect the outcome of the Afghan peace process as each power seeks to protect its own interests in the region. In addition, the deterioration of bilateral relations between two or more regional powers (e.B. between the United States and Iran) also undermines cooperation efforts or otherwise influences the outcome of intra-Afghan negotiations. „I will personally meet with the Taliban leaders in the not too distant future and I really hope they will do what they say,“ the president said. „They will kill terrorists. They will kill very bad people. They will continue this fight. U.S. Allies and coalition partners, as well as the UN Security Council and regional parties to the conflict, expressed support for the U.S.-Taliban agreement and the joint statement between the U.S.

and Afghanistan. However, these recent peace efforts in Afghanistan will be difficult to implement given the uncertainty about the United States` timetable for the withdrawal of troops and the lifting of sanctions against the Taliban, concerns about the future of counter-terrorism operations under these agreements, and the apparent resurgence of the Taliban over the past year. Referring to the stalemate in talks in Doha, Barakzai said Afghan officials, despite months of efforts, are unable to make progress toward peace because „the Taliban are not willing to talk to them.“ The United States, which has struggled to obtain better rights for women and minorities and to create a democratic system and institutions in Afghanistan, has reached an agreement with an insurgency that has never clearly renounced its desire for a government and judicial system rooted in a strict interpretation of Islam. Either way, given the short time left, intra-Afghan negotiations are unlikely to produce clear results by the end of April 2021 – the date set in the agreement for a full US withdrawal. But this withdrawal is linked to certain conditions of the agreement that were probably not met. Esper stressed that if the Taliban violated the promises, „the United States would not hesitate to cancel the agreement.“ Afghan men participated on the 24th. May 2020, participate in prayers at a mosque during Eid al-Fitr in Kabul, Afghanistan. Andar argued that kabul`s importance to the success of the US-Taliban deal has been overlooked, „so this agreement has not been effective in bringing peace, stopping bloodshed and ending the war and the suffering of Afghans.“ President-elect Biden and his administration will have to take a close look at the behavior of the Taliban, which so far appears to be in violation of their obligations under the February agreement. A hasty withdrawal when the Taliban have close ties to terrorist groups is very risky. In any event, intra-Afghan negotiations began with the establishment of rules and procedures for the substantive talks themselves. The rules were finalised on 2 December 2020, almost three months after negotiations began. After a pause at the end of December, intra-Afghan negotiations resumed in early January 2021.

The Taliban delegation and the Afghan government team are currently negotiating an agenda – they are talking about what the substantive talks are supposed to carry. The decades-long war in Afghanistan and the resulting regional instability affect each of these regional Powers; Similarly, regional powers have their own interests in Afghanistan and can use subversive means to secure them. For example, Iran is known to fund proxy militia networks throughout the Middle East, and is interested in both fighting the United States and supporting groups in Afghanistan that align with broader Iranian objectives. .