The fake is the main sign of any two-faced, toxic and jealous person. Your sister-in-law is friendly with your face, but behaves the worst behind your back. She pretends to be happy with your achievements, but secretly she hates you and wishes you terrible things. Whether you think your sister-in-law is crazy or not depends a lot on what the madness means to you. But some of the indicators that your sister-in-law doesn`t take into account your needs are that she receives masses of outraged text messages, that she is asked to participate in phone calls of gossip „rumors she has“ and that she always wants to be kept informed about your business. Above all, she can try to be in the spotlight all the time when the family gets together. If your sister-in-law is giving you a hard time and you want it to stop, learn a few ways to deal with her interference, many of which depend on how you react. Your sister-in-law doesn`t love you. So she will make sure that other members of her family, including your love, feel the same way. I have a toxic sister-in-law. I have been with her older brother for 9 years and during those 9 years my experiences with her have been exhausting, overwhelming, dysfunctional and brilliant. I remember the first meeting with the dear sister-in-law, evil names she called me slut//slut.

I ignored it, of course, because I`m not someone who gets involved in confrontations over petty bullying tactics. Over time, I could see that she had an unhealthy bond with her brother, not her normal fellowship, but she seemed to get involved in our relationship by sitting out of our bedroom door late at night and listening to us (scary) and even going straight in without knocking. To me, it seemed like she had no limits, I respected her like her sister, but seriously how boring the behavior became. When we conceived our first child together, her codependent behavior intensified, she wanted to be with us 24/7. Our baby arrived and she thought she was the mother who was trying to take on the maternal chores without asking if everything was okay. She showed up unexpectedly and demanded that she spend time with our baby at inappropriate times (baby is sleeping/sick and needs rest). It became too much that I finally had to tell my partner that she is arrogant and interferes too much in our lives. His answer was „don`t worry“ and it lasted for a few years. Time passed, we had a second child. At that time, we left the city because he found a job elsewhere after being fired. Finally, we have a break from Crazy Sister Inlaw (thank God!). Now things are going too far, we had to move because our landlord was exhausted, we pack and move.

The sister-in-law visits the old house realizes that we have moved and mentally goes on social media (Facebook) and asks everyone where we are. A relative who helped us move told her that she helped us and let out all her anger at her. We need to apologize to a family member who helped us move, and then fix the mother-in-law`s problem. She came to our new home crying (still not unpacked) and said she feels better now that she knows where we live. Man, oh man, after that happened, she seemed to blame me for not telling her before we moved, which then upset my partner. We lost touch for a while because I couldn`t stand his dramatic way anymore. My partner is now maintaining communication with her because I have reached my limit. She throws her emotional baggage, problems often on him and he comforts her through her separations, financial and health problems while she still lives at home with her mother.

If he does not stay in touch, she passes by and cries. He never told her that her behavior was unacceptable and that she would therefore continue to do so. For me, I don`t ignore my blood sister, not my problem, I tell Hubby.Until you put her in her place, she will always be your codependent little „victim.“ At every family reunion, she invariably whispers something like this: „It`s harder to let out a wedding dress than to pick it up“ or „Are you really going to wear your hair like this for the wedding?“ In this case, show him who the boss is. „Rudeness is never acceptable, but some people may not even trust the effects of their comments,“ chlipala says. You can say something like, „Hey, I know you probably don`t even think it that way, but when you say „X,“ it hurts/I feel like you`re putting me down. If she does it again, say it again: „Do you remember when I mentioned that you were rude to me? What you just said is what I am talking about. Sometimes it takes several cases where rudeness is reported for someone to „understand“ it. And if all else fails, sic your hubs-to-be on them. Your spouse may deny your sister-in-law`s problems by saying things like, „This is absurd!“ „My sister can`t tell me who I can go out with and who I can`t go out with“ „She`s ridiculous.“ She sees you as a potential threat to her bond with her siblings. She believes that since you are with her siblings, it gives them the right to have a say in your marriage. This step in treating your controlling sister-in-law can be risky. It`s also a bit tricky.

You have to reckon with the unexpected when you speak for yourself. Your spouse`s family members may look at you differently after expressing your opinion and expressing your point of view. How strange, I have a sister who is 73 years old and just like that, a narcissist and a control freak. .