Former Australian military personnel are over-represented in the top management of many private security companies around the world. Unfortunately, Australian private security companies have also been over-represented in some of the industry`s most notorious incidents. Australian contractors were implicated in two incidents in Baghdad in which unarmed civilians were accidentally shot. In one of them, Kays Juma, a 72-year-old Iraqi and Australian citizen, was shot dead in 2006 as he approached an intersection where Unity Resource Group contractors were guarding a customer`s convoy. If you need personal security, even in the form of proper drivers, static security guards, specialized bodyguards, our private security team can help. In Baghdad and Kabul, private security companies have a security clearance from the Australian government so that they can be informed of official information and information necessary for the performance of their duties. There is another – tacit – reason why DFATD prefers to deploy private security personnel to Iraq and Afghanistan, and that is the reduced political risk of deploying emergency preparedness experts. There has been little parliamentary or public interest in Australia`s private armies in Baghdad and Kabul, and when an entrepreneur is killed or injured, there is no ramp ceremony or major political funeral that accompanies the arrival of his body on Australian soil. At least five Australian private security companies have died in Iraq since 2003, although none of them have worked on Australian government contracts.

The government is not prosecuting victims of overseas security companies, but data from the U.S. Department of Labor shows that at least 40 Australian citizens were injured while working in security roles in Iraq and Afghanistan. Some Australian entrepreneurs were delighted to receive medals for their service while working for DFAT. After all, they argue, their work for Australia`s ability to operate in war zones is as inherent as that of the military. Over the past five years, the Australian government has procured more than $180 million in services from private security companies. This was in part in response to the growing number of government officials abroad. It`s not just Australian diplomats who work overseas. Agricultural experts plan wheat crops in Afghanistan, immigration officers pre-screen passenger manifests in Pakistan, transport officials are integrated in Thailand. More than 20 agencies and departments have permanent employees abroad, many in high-risk locations.

Don`t play with your life if you`re suspicious of something that might affect you or your family. Work with one of the best security companies in Australia and rest assured that we will absolutely take care of you. Sometimes the job of personal safety is to protect yourself from physical injury, responsibility, and embarrassment. Governments around the world benefit from the cost-effective and efficient services that PMSCs provide to their armed forces. However, as the case of COPA shows, there is a risk that these companies will infringe international law in the course of their commercial activities. The accountability mechanisms provided for in IHL, IHR and ICL are not yet sufficiently developed to cope with the introduction of a private actor in the military field, which has traditionally been reserved exclusively for States. The URG`s cost-cutting measures may well have an impact on the human rights of the local Iraqi population, but there does not appear to be a sure way in which these branches of international law can hold COPA criminally accountable if such violations occur. Justin Bieber recently fell through a trap on stage.

He stumbled upon cables, incidents like this can be avoided with the right personal security team. Such incidents occur, and the role of our personal bodyguards and private security guards is to protect customers like you from accidents, threats, liabilities, and risks. Solving the regulatory problem in the industry is something else where Australian experts were over-represented. Australia was one of the founding signatories of the Montreux Document, a 2008 initiative of the International Committee of the Red Cross and the Swiss government to clarify the responsibilities of countries that hire private security companies. Australian diplomat David Dutton, a former ministerial adviser at the Australian Embassy in Washington, DC, and now deputy head of mission in Manila, has spent much of the past three years working on a follow-up initiative: the International Code of Conduct for Private Security Service Providers. It is a multinational agreement whereby private security companies choose to comply with a set of standards and regular inspections and monitoring by teams of experts. When the Code was launched in September last year, Australia was one of the few countries to provide funding to support the Secretariat and inspection teams. Dutton was highlighted at the opening ceremony as having been instrumental in endorsing more than 600 NGOs, governments, international organizations and businesses involved in the process. Australians are also over-represented in this group. Many of Australia`s junior mining companies operating in Africa, as well as more established ones such as BHP and Rio Tinto, are private safety employers and have an interest in future regulation of the industry. „Contractors working with the U.S.

military (or one of the coalition forces) in Iraq are non-combatants who, under international law, have no combat immunity when engaged in hostilities, and whose conduct is attributable to the United States. Contractors are unlikely to be subject to military law, but can be prosecuted under criminal laws that apply extraterritorially, or in the special maritime and territorial jurisdiction of the United States, or through the Military Extraterritorial Jurisdiction Act (MEJA). However, there are few precedents for bringing entrepreneurs to justice for crimes committed abroad. At least until June 30, 2004, when the APC [Coalition Provisional Authority] is to transfer and dissolve sovereignty in Iraq, the Iraqi courts do not have the power to prosecute contractors without the APC`s permission. The history of awarding major contracts to private security companies without serious consideration of the background and capacity of these companies is long and dark. But this is not a secret issue – the details are known to the public and should be at the forefront for those who want to hire private security companies. There are disturbing precedents for many aspects of the Paladin case. „After three weeks in Kabul`s security acceleration program, these men are given a badge, a uniform and a weapon and are sent on patrol,“ Schneider said. When asked if that was really enough, he assured me that the new police officers would receive another five weeks of intensive training from DynCorp contractors and international military mentors after the election.

But the biggest change in the private security industry in years is happening right now – and that`s the emergence of the Chinese in the global market. Chinese companies operate thousands of mining, manufacturing, energy and agricultural sites around the world. Increasingly, Mandarin-speaking site managers prefer to deal with Mandarin-speaking security forces rather than those hired locally in places like Tanzania and Iraq. Chinese security companies are also significantly cheaper than their Counterparts in Western or Eastern Europe. In response to pressure from the corporate sector, the Chinese government has enacted laws to push its domestic private security industry to privatize and send its population overseas. .