If you operate a business in the Netherlands, you may need to work with a collective agreement (Collectieve Arbeidsovereenkomst, CAO). CAOs are collective agreements between employers (or employers` organizations) and trade unions on wages and other terms and conditions of employment. No details will be released until the union and the province ratify the agreement. Cupe Newfoundland and Labrador members have ratified an agreement with the provincial government for a two-year extension of the current collective agreements. The extended agreements cover the period from 1 April 2020 to 31 March 2022. CUPE Bargaining Committee members, representing seven sector groups, agreed to accept the provisional extension of the agreement this week. Each of the locals involved in collective bargaining with the province will now prepare to put the agreement to the vote of the members covered by the agreement. „This is an uncompromising agreement and we are pleased with the result,“ said Sherry Hillier, President of CUPE N.L. CUPE Newfoundland and Labrador will always resist concessions, two-tier contract terms and precarious work.

The agreement includes wage increases consistent with agreements with other public sector unions in the province, as well as a slight improvement in post-employment benefits for employees hired after March 31, 2020. Sherry Hillier, President of Cupe NL, said: „We will recommend the extended agreement to our members, who will be informed of the upcoming ratification voting dates for their locals in the near future. In the individual employment contract, you must indicate whether a CAO applies. If the OAC and an employment contract contradict each other, the OAC shall prevail. . A CAO can apply for a single company or business unit. You must work with a CAD:. Ed White CUPE National Negotiator 709-689-1243. INDUSTRY KEYWORD: PUBLIC POLICY/GOVERNMENT OTHER GOVERNMENT WORK STATE/LOCAL.

Sherry Hillier, Cupe NL Communications Chair 709-765-2996 Source version on businesswire.com: www.businesswire.com/news/home/20210212005293/fr/ Colleen Reynolds CUPE Atlantic 902-809-2253 creynolds@cupe.ca Hillier said, „I would also like to thank the members of our bargaining committees and CUPE staff representatives for all their hard work. I would also like to thank our members for their solidarity and support of CUPE`s Bargaining Committee. If you are not a member of an employers` organization and no CAO has been made mandatory for your industry, but you are working with your own CAO. If there is a minimum CAD, you can deviate from it if it benefits your employees. Deviations from a standard CAD are not allowed. Many industry organizations publish the relevant CAD for their industry on their website… Note: All of the following links are pdfs and will open in a new window. CUPE represents approximately 3,700 provincial public sector employees working in health care, long-term care, housing in Newfoundland and Labrador, school boards, libraries, Treasury Board and Government House, as well as halfway and group homes. Below are copies of current collective agreements or letters of intent involving the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador. .